Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Blog Affair

I'm having an affair - an affair with the Internet and my personal passions. This small idea had been brewing for years.  Friends always said I would be great at it, but I just kept pushing it aside. What was I so afraid of? When it comes to telling a story I spare no details - it would be perfect outlet. This past August, I finally decided to put pen to paper, come up with a name and a logo (with the help of some friends) and create Pewter and Puddles.

Last month I celebrated my 6 month anniversary - where did the time go? It is funny to look back on my first couple of posts and see how far I have come: The Battle of Jack Kelly and It's All About the Dots Week after week it is a new challenge to conquer - what am I going to write about in regards to Music, Fashion, Home Decor, NYC and more? Sometimes the Tuesday or Thursday deadline approaches and I don't have the slightest idea of what to write about, but I somehow power thru with inspirations from my friends, that weeks nightly activity or what I'm currently obsessing over. I love hearing feedback from family and friends about how much they enjoy reading it every week. This always bring a smile to my face.

The future looks bright for Pewter and Puddles. There are so many things I would like to accomplish at the year end mark. For instance, I would love to do some collaborations with brands and/or stores. I would also love to have some guest bloggers make an appearance. If you are out there, let's chat. The possibilities are endless.

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This post has been submitted as an entry to IFB Project #87: Why Did You Start Your Blog

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