Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Give Thanks!

Oh Thanksgiving, you are a wonderful holiday filled with loved ones, delicious food and an over abundance of relaxation and shopping. I am excited for a slightly different Thanksgiving this year as both Karen and Steve are in NYC and we are in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!! That's right folks, I'll be holding the Baseball balloon with my parents as we march along 6th avenue towards Herald Square. Be sure to check us out on tv. Post parade we are heading to a Jewish deli on the Upper East Side for a dinner with one of my favorite cousins. I don't think I could ask for a more perfect holiday celebration.

In true Pewter & Puddles tradition, I always like to dedicate my Thanksgiving post to the things that I am most thankful for. This year the shout out goes to a group of women both new and old. 2014 would have been completely lackluster without you in it, and that, I am most grateful for.

This one is for you ladies - you know who you are.

For introducing the banana emoji into my daily text correspondence.

For always being down for a impromptu dance party.

For being the best dinner date a girl could ask for, no matter the neighborhood or the time.

For when I am down and feeling far away. You pick me up, dust me off and lift my spirits. I love you.

For talking endless hours about fashion.

For continuing to ask yourself - What Would Tami Taylor Do?

For indulging in all of Netflix's binge worthy series with me.

For living a block away and/or a short walk across the park.

For continuing to tell me that only I could make a boot fashionable.

For #utzagainstaustin.

For knowing that a mani/pedi date is the cure for any crappy week.

For accepting my love of Taylor Swift and Ben Covington.

For that time we rocked the $h!t out of our Halloween costumes.

For being my partners in crime, my sisters and the best people I know. I love you always.

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