Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Iceland is a Magical Place - Part One

{Daily footwear}

Our vacation in Iceland was breathtaking. Josh and I spent the entire trip completely in awe of the scenery. Our last vacation was spent on a cruise ship where we had planned excursions every day and a standard 8pm dinner seating. This trip was the complete opposite - each day was a new adventure. We rented a car and traveled to a different town/city each day. The planner in me was so nervous we would get lost and not make it to all destinations. I can happily state we never got lost and we even squeezed in some extra unplanned stops along the way.

{Blue Lagoon}

We landed on Sunday late afternoon and headed straight to the Blue Lagoon. The Blue Lagoon is a geothermal spa/hot spring. The water appears to be a milky blue, which isn't that appealing on the outside, but once your feet step in it, it is heaven and feels amazing on your skin. We spent over 3.5 hours relaxing in the hot spring and getting all prunified. That night we had a great dinner at Lava Restaurant in the lagoon followed by the most amazing nights sleep at the Blue Lagoon Clinic.

{On our way to relax}

The next day we woke up, got the bus to Reykjavik, and picked up our first rental car to head to StykkishólmurStykkishólmur is a town situated in the western part of Iceland, to the north of Snaefellsnes peninsula. Along the way we captured some great scenic shots of the peninsula and some furry animals. 

{Daily breakfast Skyr yogurt = AMAZEBALLS}

{Our new friend just crossing the road}

{Scenic shot somewhere along the peninsula}

The best part of this destination was having our friend Sara (a local) as our tour guide. She cooked us an amazing meal on Monday night and Tuesday morning showed us all around the town. 

{The lighthouse - Stykkishólmur}

{Boats in the water - Stykkishólmur}

On our way out of town she demanded we head to the Shark Museum. The museum is owned by the cutest old man and full of some amazing artifacts. Before leaving, I surprised everyone when I ate purtrified shark, but when in Rome....

{Shark Killer}

{Meeting Jaws' Cousin Molar}

{Seconds before consuming putrified Shark}

On Friday stay tuned for part two of photos from Reykjavik and Vik. 

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